If there were an emperor’s court of Indicas with knockout power, XXX OG would be its Caesar. This powerpunch of a couchlock Indica gets back to the roots of solid Indica cultivation. High THC content, solid tightly-packed nugs, and lots of food. A world-class sleep medicine, appetite stimulant, and pain relief formula grown straight from a brick of rockwool.
The taste can be a bit overwhelming for some smokers who aren’t used to the potent flavors that OG’s can give off, so a vaporizer is recommended for top medical efficiency. One of the draw backs of having such a strong appetite stimulant is that it can cause an unhealthy situation where some patients eat heavily right before going to bed—which can create its own medical issues related to weight gain.
Its recommended that all patients keep light, healthy snacks such as apples or carrots to curb the beast if your using XXX OG as a sleep aid. The strain is recommend as a appetite stimulant only if nausea is extreme, since it creates a very somber and lethargic, even somewhat groggy after tone. Recommended in small doses till you find relief for your medical ailment.